How to work out if you should wait to have sex

A collage of various scenes: one hand holding a slice of pizza, two young women smiling and lying close together, and a young man sitting on a playground slide in a reflective pose.

Is losing your virginity going to end up a precious time to be cherished forever? Or sloppy, weird and all over in a few seconds?

There are plenty of people who'll tell you the first time is the worst time, and others again who say they'll always remember that magical moment.

There are also heaps of people in the middle who'll say, "yeah it was a thing, but not a massive deal".

And we need to think about what losing your virginity even means, right?

What are you losing, and how do different people, of different genders or sexualities lose their virginity?

We have this idea that when a man and woman engage in sexual intercourse one (or both) of them lose something.

What’s often called losing your virginity is really a social, gendered, and often harmful construct that says:

a) there’s a lossof something (umm, what?).


b) it only happens as a result of one very specific sex act performed by heterosexual people.

When considering having any kind of sex we should also be thinking about stuff like lubrication, pain, STIs, pregnancy, orgasm and pleasure.

Remember that sex can mean different things to different people – apart from vaginal sex, for some people sex means anal sex or oral sex or whatever.

And that first time can happen in so many different ways, times and places.

  • Katy Perry was 16 and in the front seat of a Volvo.
  • Daniel Radcliff said of losing his v-card, "I'm happy to say I've had a lot better sex since then, but it wasn't as horrendously embarrassing as a lot of other people's were".
  • When Dwayne Johnson was asked what he’d change about hisfirst time he said he wouldn't have done it in a park!

To wait or not to wait, that is the (or one) question.

Reasons to have sex now

1. Because everybody feels ready and safe, into it and have equal say in the situation.

For example, if you decided to stop halfway, would you feel completely comfortable saying so?

If not, then give yourself some time until you do feel confident about what’s happening and how much control you have in the situation.

2. You want to.

Well, sex can be brilliant (or good, or just fine).

And if you want that in your life now, well, maybe now is your time.

    Reasons to wait

    Before you say, "yeah, yeah, I'm legal", this is not just about your age.

    It's about everybody's ages, what state/territory you're in, and also the power dynamic in the relationship – for example, someone may feel pressured into giving consent because the other person has more power or is in a position of authority.

    Check the Youth Law Australia website for the details on this.

    2. If there's any pressure

    This goes two ways.

    First up, if you've begged someone, niggled at them, or asked over and over until they've said yes, then you’ve pressured them.

    And that's not consensual, even if they eventually say "fine, ok then".

    If you've done this, or if you're unsure, take a step back.

    No sex today (or ever, until you get the hang of asking for consent).

    Take our pressure test to help you suss it.

    Second, if someone has put the pressure on you then know you're 100% allowed to say no at any time.

    In fact, if there's any pressure it's not even sex – it’s assault.

    Speaking of circumstances, make sure you're mentally in a good place when having sex.

    If you're feeling good about yourself and others you're more likely to make good choices about sex.

    So, in summary?

    At the end of the day it's up to you to figure out when the right time is for you.

    Talk to trusted people about their experiences, read up on other content (like this resource from ReachOut).

    The best advice is don't do anything unless you feel really keen and really safe.

    And don't expect it to be the most precious moment of your life (or even your sex life) – if it is great, great, if it isn't, no biggie – there’s plenty of time for improvement.

    Find out what advice other young people would give themselves before their first sexual experience in the video below.

    A young man with short brown hair and shite skin stands in front of a white wall. Text next to his head reads: don't do it if it doesn't feel right.
    Read transcript

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