Professional practice guidance


Many young people are exposed to pornography – deliberately or accidentally – and they’re often not thinking very critically about the messages conveyed in pornography.

In particular, there is concern that pornography is contributing to the attitudes and beliefs that we know drive violence against women.

Young people need support to critique pornography’s messages and to develop the attitudes and skills that underpin respectful relationships. But pornography is clearly a sensitive and challenging topic. How can we address it appropriately with young people?

The resources below provide information to guide practitioners’ efforts to incorporate a focus on pornography into their work with young people. It includes important information about principles and aims for this work, as well as advice on a range of challenges and ethical considerations.    

It is recommended that practitioners read these resources before using the practical tools for engaging young people and parents.

While the relevant sections of these resources refer to “parents”, for simplicity, they are for use with any adults who have responsibility for bringing up or caring for young people.

Guiding principles

Key aims

Common practitioner questions

Ethical considerations

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Below are some guiding principles for practitioners to incorporate a focus on pornography into their work with young people.
Guiding principles
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Below is a discussion of some key aims for practitioners to work towards when incorporating a focus on pornography into their work with young people and the adults in young people’s lives.
Key aims
  • Porn
Young people need support to critique pornography’s messages and to develop the attitudes and skills that underpin respectful relationships.
Common practitioner questions
  • Porn
Young people need support to critique pornography’s messages and to develop the attitudes and skills that underpin respectful relationships.
Ethical considerations
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