This page includes video content that practitioners and educators might find useful when working with young people.
We ask you to preview any videos you may want to use, and use your professional judgement to ensure they are suitable for your setting and audience.
Bully Boys
This video is useful for generating a discussion about bullying.
In this video, Tom is being bullied by a group of boys. The bullies fill Tom’s head with “bully poison” — insults and threats. The bullies have made Tom sad and not want to go to school. Tom’s hero finally gives him some good advice — he learns to think good thoughts and see his bullies for what they really are.

Jack and The Bird
This video is useful for generating discussion about relating to one another — and building empathy.
In this video, Jack is concerned about what his friends will think of him when he talks to girls. Even though Jack likes the girls in his class, he ends up insulting them and saying rude things he doesn’t mean, for fear of looking silly. Jack magically turns into a girl and learns what it feels like to be treated with disrespect.

Learning to Fly
This video is useful for generating a discussion about bullying.
In this video, Stanley's sadness and loneliness, following his mother’s death, are turning him into a bully. By reconnecting with his mother’s spirit, Stanley remembers who he is and how he wants to live his life.

Stinky Wind
This video is useful for generating a discussion about bullying, gender stereotypes and young people’s use of technology.
In this video, Megan, Sally and Alec have formed a clique. They send nasty messages to the other girls at school—but they think they can’t be bullies, because “bullies are boys”. Finally, Carrie, with the help of her dad, blocks the “mean girls’” messages. Megan, Sally and Alec are mad—but there’s nothing they can do. They end up being engulfed by the “stinky wind” they’ve created with their nastiness.