
A film clapperboard sits on the left of the image in front of a white textured background.

Collage image featuring a hand holding a condom, a hand holding a lollipop, a young man with died hair and a yellow t-shirt, a young woman with white skin and dark hair laying on the ground in a leotard.
  • Porn
The thing about the stuff you see on screen is, it’s usually made to look good.
Is porn making you bad in bed?
A collage of a young man of Vietnamese descent on a laptop, a polystyrene head with red lipstick and a plastic mannequin.
  • Sex
  • Porn
Obviously, porn is real. But is it realistic? Does it represent real life. Let’s dive into that.
Real v realistic: How much of porn is real?
A young man wearing a white cap and green shirt is operating a video camera. Two hands holds a clapperboard, set against a dual-tone red and orange background.
  • Porn
What's the average penis size? Do women orgasm from penetration? Reckon you know? Test yourself.
Quiz: How much do you know about porn?
A collage featuring three people. One is a young man laughing while wearing a trucker cap. Another is a young woman with blonde hair and white skin who is dancing, and the third is a young woman with long light brown hair and white skin who appears shocked while looking at her phone.
  • Sex
  • Porn
It’s a big and often-asked question: who is and isn’t into porn? The answer might surprise you.
Does everybody like porn or not?
A collage of a young man with brown hair and white skin uses an old school camera, a young woman with blonde hair, speed dealer sunnies and white skin looks towards the camera, and a basketball hoop.
  • Porn
Porn, like any popular media, can be very effective in shaping our tastes and telling us what’s normal or good. What's that doing to us?
Sex miseducation: Is porn bad for you?