The Line is for young people aged 14+ years.


Collage featuring an image of a man with dark skin playing basketball, along with a stylish individual wearing red sunglasses and layered fashion. To their left a pair of legs wear baggy blue jeans and white sneakers set against a starry night sky background.

Collage of three young men with a cloudy sky background. One man standing wears a red sweatshirt. A second has shoulder length dark hair, wearing a black turtle neck. The third has dark skin and short black hair with tears rolling down his face.
  • Emotions
  • Masculinity
Tears are often seen as a sign of vulnerability, and vulnerability can be seen as a threat to dominant ideas of masculinity. But are they?
Let them flow: How tears can make you happy
A person wearing a beanie and sitting on a basketball court with a large graphic of a traffic light behind them.
  • Masculinity
  • Quiz
It's one thing to recognise garbage behaviour in others, but calling it out can be a challenge – especially when it's a mate who's doing it.
Quiz: Would you call out a mate for sexism?
Collage image featuring a close-up of two individuals looking at a smartphone, a clenched fist bump between two people, a large bullhorn, and another individual sitting thoughtfully. The background is a vibrant green with a textured pattern.
  • Masculinity
Let's go through a few scenarios and think about how they'd make you feel if it was happening to you.
Classic cat-calls and other bad ideas
Three young males  are sitting near in front of a starry night background. One is holding a basketball, another is holding a skateboard, and the third holds a backpack between their legs. They are dressed in casual attire.
  • Masculinity
When we tell someone to "man up" we’re also telling them there’s such a thing. But who decides what a real man is? And why?
What does 'be a man' even mean?
Three people are standing against a blue wall; one in a wheelchair, one holding a basketball, wearing casual sportswear.
  • Masculinity
It can be tough to stand up for what’s right, but chances are the people around you feel the same way. Here's how to call out sexism.
How to call out your mates if they're sexist
Two individuals posing in casual outfits, one blurred in motion and the other seated with an arm behind their head, alongside artistic blue cut-outs of birds, set against a textured beige background.
  • Masculinity
Sexism is about more than someone feeling a bit hurt by a slightly insulting joke.
16 examples: What even is sexism?!
Three people interacting at a social event, including a young man holding a slice of pizza, a young women smiling with her hand raised. To their left a hand holds a red rose set against a tile-pattern background.
  • Masculinity
Gender equality can improve men's mental health, reduce violence against women, and save us all billions of dollars. But you knew that.
Gender equality: You get it, what about your mates?
Collage of four diverse individuals with different expressions and poses, including one person in a wheelchair and another taking a selfie, set against an abstract orange background.
  • Masculinity
"Man up" originally meant to man up a team or crew, as in getting people together for a common cause. What happened to change it?
Can we quit telling guys to ‘man up’?
A young male with dark skin sitting with a basketball next to a lion against a backdrop of clouds.
  • Masculinity
Everybody hears that "classic" line yelled out on the street differently. Here's what you're really saying.
The secret meanings of common cat-calls