We encourage you to responsibly use and share the materials provided on this website.
We reserve copyright in all The Line materials. We consent to the use of, the dissemination, and re-use and distribution of The Line copyright materials provided on this website and ask that any material reproduced is attributed to Our Watch by using the statement ‘© The Line Limited 2025’.
Third party copyright
In some cases, a third party may hold copyright in material reproduced by The Line on this website, for example images, audio and video. Their permission may be required to use, reproduce or otherwise deal with that material.
The Line has made all reasonable efforts to:
- clearly identify the copyright owner where the copyright in material owned by a third party
- ensure that the copyright owner has consented to the use of this material before being reproduced on this website.
If a third party supports content sharing, we use their preferred share tools or embedding options in order to link to the original source.
Contact us
If you have general questions regarding this copyright information, please contact us.
The content used on this site is for general information only and is not tailored for any particular circumstance. The Line presents the content on this website in order to share information for the benefit of the public.
We make every effort to ensure that the information published on this website is free from error, up to date and accurate at the time that the information is published, but because information is only current at the time it is published and circumstances change, this means information on this website could contain errors, be incomplete or otherwise out of date.
We do not guarantee that the information on this site will be accurate on the date at which you access, use, reproduce or otherwise use the information reproduced on this website.
To the extent permitted by law, The Line does not accept liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of, or reliance on, information published on this website.
This website also contains links to external websites. The Line does not control the content on those sites and so we do not warrant that the information contained on those websites is accurate, current and complete. For more information in relation to links to other websites published on this website, we recommend you review our privacy statement.
Stock photography on this website is used for illustrative purposes, and all people depicted are models. Stock photography is carefully selected, but we don’t take any liability for any consequence relating directly or indirectly to the use of the photographs showing the models on our websites. The context in which the photographs are used on our websites is also not intended to reflect personally on any of the models shown in the photographs.
We recommend that users exercise their own judgment, skill, knowledge and experience to check the accuracy, currency, completeness, relevance and suitability of the information published on this website. If necessary and appropriate, we also recommend that users of this website obtain independent professional advice relevant to their individual facts and circumstances.