Quiz: Are your mates sexist?

Two people are engaging with photography against a textured backdrop. One is taking a photo with a DSLR camera, while the other is being photographed and is visible through a smartphone screen held in the foreground.

Ever hear your mates saying stuff about women and think, "hm, that's not right"?

Take the quiz below for some perspective on what’s right and what isn’t. Try sharing the quiz with mates and comparing scores. For tips on how to respond to some of these situations check out Calling out sexism ‘amongst the boys’.

So, do you ever see your mates…
Question 1 of 10

‘Re-explaining’ things a girl or woman has just said…
Alright, now you’ve had a chance to think about what your mates are like when it comes to respect for women, go to the next level by taking the Would You Call Out a Mate for Sexism? quiz.

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